Monday, January 23, 2017


This is a timeline about Rafa Nadal

Monday, November 21, 2016


Part 1: image formats

a) Find out the most common formats for images and write a shortdescription of the features of each of them

  • BMP (Bitmap = Bitmap)
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format = Formato de Intercambio Gráfico
  • JPG-JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group = Grupo de Expertos Fotográficos Unidos)
  • TIF-TIFF (Tagged Image File Format = Formato de Archivo de Imagen Etiquetada)
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphic = Gráfico portable para la red)
    b) Which image format preserves the quality better when it is compressed?
    We think that the best format for images are the JPG 

    c) Which formats are more suitable for web design?
    JPG or PNG

    Part 2: Organizing images
     This is our album.