Monday, September 26, 2016


  • IT is an abbreviation for Information Technology: true 
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) are the same thing: false 
  • A browser  is a person who enoys loo!ing at the WWW. false
  • You can see pictures and words on-line but you can not listen to sounds. false 
  • You need the newest, fastest computers to use the Web. Flase 
  • Most internet users are man. false
  • @ is called ''at'' in english. true                           
  • A browser is a software that lets you access the www.
  • To download to get programs from the internet 
  • To chat is to have a conversation through the Internet by writing or speaking
  • Email is to write letters by the internet .
  • A modem is a wirelress device that allowscomputers to connect to de internet using a router. thing that connects a computer to the internet.
  • Wi Fi is a thing that connects a computer to the internet.
  • On-line is when you are connected to the internet.
  • Software are computer programs.
  • Scroll down/up is to move the page up or down using the side tabs with your mouse.
  • I use a fast modem to connect my computer to the internet 
  • RealPlayer is computer software that you use to listen to music.
  • I always save my documents on floppy disks.
  • Chat is a good way of meeting people on the Internet 
  • A beep is a sound your computers makes when there is an error

Monday, September 12, 2016


1-Our computer is Asus.

2-Its operating system is Windows.N
3-We use Google Chrome to browse.
4- In the mouse there are two bottons and a wheel .
5-Our computer has a CD-ROM drive, and a DVD-drive, and USB  drives.
6- Keys of the computer:    Return: entrar, Space Bar: espai, Shift: shift, Tab: tabulador, Delete: borrar, Control: control,         Escape: sortida, Hyphen or dash: -, Period or dot: . , Comma: , ; Colon: : , Right parentesi: ),       Slash: /, At symbol: @

  • Click: press and release the button on the mouse.
  • File: text or other data stored together with a special name.
  • Cursor: a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move themouse.
  • Window: a box on the screen that shows information.
  •  Highlight: select text/images with the mouse.


  • Duplicate highlighted text /images to put somewhere else: copy
  • Preserve the contents of a document: save
  • Cut text/images from one place and put them somewhere else: copy and paste: cut and paste 
  • Open an existing document: open
  • Create a new document: new
  • Send the contents of a document to the printer: print
  • Close the document without quitting the word processor: close
  • Save the contents of a document under a new file name: save as